Kaisercraft Scrap Yard

Today was my assigned day to do a blog post over on the Scrappin' Goodtime blog.  About a month ago? Susie mailed me my May project collection to design with.  Because of my back, I have not been able to play with these papers.  But over the weekend, I started laying things out and getting ideas in my head and decided what photos to use.  I ended up picking out a few of the images that I took while hubby and I were on our trip to Washington D.C. last October.  Now, I'll admit that it was hard for me to get into the groove of working with these papers.  They are so rustic and masculine.  But once I figured out what I wanted to do, it all came together quite nicely and I now love these 12 x 12 layouts.

For this look, I used several of the 12x12 papers from the Kaisercraft Scrap Yard collection and cut/tore them in half or into pieces.  I tattered the edges, added eyelets for a "metal" look and then attached them all down.  I used the 6x6 Scrap Yard paper pad to cut mats for the photos. The paper gears are from the Kaisercraft Ephemera pack that goes with this collection.  I added a couple of Petaloo flowers from my stash and then I went out to hubby's shop for some metal. I love the gears and washers that I found (yes, he knows I took them--he actually gave me permission!)  So when you are looking for something different for your layouts, remember to look in places you normally wouldn't look.  You'll be surprised at what you'll find that will be exactly what you need!

Here are a couple of closeups of the "Metal" items arranged on my pages:

If you want to see these layouts in person, they will be on display at Scrappin' Goodtime later this week.  This will be my last design project for Scrappin' Goodtime in Corsicana, Texas.  I've really enjoyed the past 6 months that I've been on the team working with the other designers and Susie.

I know you all are tired of hearing it, but I'm still working on getting my back and leg better.  I had a fairly good day yesterday then a bad night but today I seem to be doing fairly good again. It's a long process but hopefully I'll be all better sooner than later!

Happy Crafting,

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